Feb. 1, 2023

International Medical Graduates in the UK (1 Feb 2023)

International Medical Graduates in the UK (1 Feb 2023)

Drs Anda Bularga and Jonny Bardgett talk to Drs Francesca Moroni and Zerihun Demissie Tefera about their experiences as International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the UK.

Drs Anda Bularga and Jonny Bardgett talk to Drs Francesca Moroni and Zerihun Demissie Tefera about their experiences as International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the UK.

Dr Francesca Moroni is a consultant gastroenterologist with special interest in nutrition and functional GI disorders. She graduated in 2006 at Universita' di Pavia in Italy and moved to the UK in 2007 where she completed her postgraduate training. She spent three years out of programme in research at the University of Edinburgh and she is about to submit her MD thesis. She is BAPEN Scotland chair, BSG SWiG committee member, BSG former deputy web editor and current SSG Digest This! webinar chief Editor.

Dr Zerihun Demissie Tefera studied Medicine in Ethiopia and an MSc. in International Health at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dr Tefera has worked in clinical and public health roles in Ethiopia and various countries in Africa. Since 2012, he has been working in NHS Lothian. He is a Speciality Doctor in Medicine of the Elderly (MoE) working with the Ortho-Geriatric Team in the orthopaedics wards at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Recording date: 11 August 2022

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