July 19, 2023

Preparing for FY1 - Part 1 (19 July 2023)

Preparing for FY1 - Part 1 (19 July 2023)

Drs Libby Sampey, Kat Ralston and Marilena Giannoudi discuss top tips for new doctors in Part 1 of this mini-series, including rotas, handover/referrals, nightshifts, and looking after yourself.

Drs Libby Sampey, Kat Ralston and Marilena Giannoudi discuss top tips for new doctors in this episode, including rotas, how to approach handover and referrals, dealing with nightshifts, and looking after yourself.

All three participants are members of RCPE's Members and Trainees' Committee (T&MC). Dr Libby Sampey is a Foundation Year Doctor working in South East Scotland. Dr Kat Ralston is a Geriatric Medicine Registrar working in Edinburgh. Dr Marilena Giannoudi is a Cardiology Registrar based in Leeds currently undertaking a PhD.

For more information about sleep, see our episode with sleep expert Dr Michael Farquhar who discusses the relationship between shift work, fatigue and burnout and the importance of sleep for healthcare professionals.

'Top Tips for New Doctors' EMU: Free event registration for 25 July 2023: events.rcpe.ac.uk/top-tips-new-doctors-0

Online 'Top Tips for New Doctors' recordings/content: learning.rcpe.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=210

Free membership: Membership for foundation year doctors is free. Join RCPE today: www.rcpe.ac.uk/membership/student-foundation-membership

Recording date: 18 May 2023

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