Remote and Rural Medicine (18 Nov 2024)

This is a co-release with our sister podcast, Clinical Conversations. In this episode, Dr Marilena Giannoudi speaks with Dr Neil Shepherd about remote and rural medicine.
This is a co-release with our sister podcast, Clinical Conversations.
In this episode, Dr Marilena Giannoudi speaks with Dr Neil Shepherd about remote and rural medicine. Dr Shepherd highlights the benefits as well as the challenges of working in remote and rural areas and some of the professional support in place for this career path.
Dr Neil Shepherd considers himself to be a rural generalist. He completed his GP training in 2014 and acute care rural GP fellowship in 2018. He currently works as a rural emergency physician in Caithness General Hospital, a Locum GP in Orkney and as training programme director for broad based training with NHS Education for Scotland. He is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
Dr Marilena Giannoudi is a cardiology registrar based in Leeds. She is Co-Chair of the Trainees and Members' Committee, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and is currently undertaking a PhD.
Recording date: 5 November 2024
Useful Links
Broad Based Training Information
Rural and Remote Health Credential
UCLan's National Centre for Remote and Rural Medicine
Disclaimer: Please always refer to official recruitment websites for the latest guidance as application dates and processes may differ to those described in this episode.
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