Teaching Fellow Jobs (01 Mar 2023)

Dr Marilena Giannoudi talks to Drs Rob Ker and Jonny Guckian about their experience of undertaking teaching fellow jobs.
Dr Marilena Giannoudi talks to Drs Rob Ker and Jonny Guckian about their experience of undertaking teaching fellow jobs and how teaching fellow jobs fit into and benefit a career as a physician.
Dr Rob Ker is currently working as a registrar in renal medicine in Glasgow. He trained at Newcastle Medical School and graduated in 2014. He worked as teaching fellow in and around Newcastle in 2016 to 2018, and completed his Master's in Medical Education in 2019. He is currently the Vice-Chair for Representation in the RCPE Trainees and Members' Committee (T&MC).
Dr Jonny Guckian is a dermatology registrar in Leeds. He is Co-Chair of the T&MC, Director for Social Media and Communications for ASME, and Podcast Associate Editor for the British Journal of Dermatology.
Dr Marilena Giannoudi is the T&MC Podcast Lead and Vice-Chair for Careers and Communications.
Recording date: 4 November 2022
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