Psychiatry Episodes

Jan. 31, 2025

Ep.7 - Glass Delusion, Gangrene And Godfrey's Cordial

In this week’s episode, Daisy and Olivia tackle some Gs in the history of medicine: glass delusion, gangrene and Godfrey’s Cordial.
Nov. 24, 2023

Ep.18 - Head To Toe - Guts

Join us as we explore the history of medicine, from head to toe! This time: the guts.
Sept. 30, 2022

Ep.8 - Past & Present - Psychiatry

Delves into the history of psychiatry and modern-day psychiatry practice.
March 18, 2022

Ep.79 - Maureen Park - Patient art at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Dr Maureen Park uses the archive of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital to examine the reasons why, and the extent to which, drawing was promoted as a ‘therapeutic’ activity in the hospital.
April 30, 2021

Ep.56 - Allan Beveridge - Sir Alexander Morison and The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases

Dr Allan Beveridge discusses the 19th century Scottish pioneer of psychiatric medicine Sir Alexander Morison and the collection of illustrations of asylum patients which he commissioned.
March 5, 2021

Ep.52 - John Crichton - Forensic Psychiatry From Plato to the Modern ‘Insanity’ Defence

John Crichton considers the origins of Scotland’s ‘insanity’ law and what ancient themes are still relevant today.
Jan. 22, 2021

Ep.49 - Sarah Wise - Gaslight Stories - Women In White, Eccentric Heirs, Inconvenient People

Sarah Wise examines a number of disputed lunacy cases, ranging from the 1820s to the 1890s - including the unsavoury incident that Sir Alexander Morison himself became embroiled in.
July 24, 2020

Ep.36 - Chris Philo - The Wild and Tranquil Geographies of Animals and Madness

Prof. Chris Philo explores the ‘madness’ of both human and animals.
June 10, 2020

Ep.14 - Catherine Cox - Irish Migration, Institutionalisation and Mental Illness in 19thC England

Explores the migratory patterns of Irish patients into and through the Lancashire asylum system in the later 19th century.
June 10, 2020

Ep.13 - Edgar Jones - How Ideas about Psychiatric Trauma Evolved in the Two World Wars

Explores how healthcare professionals in the UK interpreted psychosomatic disorders such as shell shock, battle exhaustion and traumatic neurasthenia, in the context of psychiatric research and the new forms of warfare.
June 10, 2020

Ep.10 - Gayle Davis - The Female Malady: The Relationship Between Madness, Psychiatry And Gender

Explores the relationship between madness, psychiatry and gender over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, using the Royal Edinburgh Asylum as a case study.
June 10, 2020

Ep.11 - Allan Beveridge - Voices Of The Mad: Patients’ Letters From The Royal Edinburgh Asylum

Drawing on over a thousand patient letters, this examines the lives of inmates at the Royal Edinburgh Asylum when the renowned psychiatrist Thomas Clouston was Superintendent.