Dec. 11, 2023

Long COVID - Part 2 (11 Dec 2023)

Long COVID - Part 2 (11 Dec 2023)

In the second of two episodes on Long COVID, Dr Hannah Preston discusses Long COVID and ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) with Dr Binita Kane.

In the second of two episodes on Long COVID, Dr Hannah Preston discusses Long COVID and ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) with Dr Binita Kane.

Long COVID, also known as Post-Covid Syndrome, is further explored. Dr Preston and Kane discuss Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS), immune dysregulation, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), the impact of Long COVID on women's and men's health, investigations, emerging research and treatments, and the importance of listening to your patient.

Dr Binita Kane is a Consultant respiratory physician in Manchester. She has worked on the frontline of the pandemic since 2020 and set up the first COVID virtual ward model in the UK and has advised nationally on the role of virtual wards across England. In January 2021, Dr Kane’s 10 year old daughter developed COVID and subsequently Long COVID. This has led her on an international search for answers, culminating in her becoming a campaigner, researcher, patient advocate, champion for the Long COVID Kids charity and now a specialist Long COVID physician. Dr Kane is a member of the World Health Network Long COVID Executive Committee, Independent SAGE and a campaigner for clean air.

Dr Hannah Preston is a Renal Registrar in Edinburgh and RCPE Trainees and Members' Committee (T&MC) Co-Chair.

Listen to Part 1:



Standing up to PoTS

Visible app - Visible Health 

BMJ Long COVID - an update for primary care (2022)

Nature review article: Long COVID, major findings, mechanisms and recommendations

Review article: Long COVID pathophysiological factors and abnormalities of coagulation

Dr Kane's YouTube channel 'The Long COVID Clinic - What you CAN do' in partnership with The Long COVID Support Charity

Gez Medinger YouTube channel - interviews with the world's leading Long COVID researchers and more

The World Health Network - Long COVID resources, bringing together knowledge from across the world

Long COVID Kids Charity - resources for children and families affected by Long COVID

World Physio Long COVID resources - international repository of resources regarding safe rehabilitation approaches

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Recording date: 26 November 2023 

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