May 6, 2024

Multimorbidity (06 May 2024)

Multimorbidity (06 May 2024)

Dr Ben Warner discusses multimorbidity, also known as multiple long-term conditions, with Professor Frances Mair.

In this episode Dr Ben Warner discusses multimorbidity, also known as multiple long-term conditions, with Professor Frances Mair. They discuss what multimorbidity is, how the concept differs from frailty and how the burden of treatment and health inequalities impact patients with multiple long-term conditions.

Professor Frances Mair is the Norie Miller Professor of General Practice, Head of General Practice and Primary Care, and Director of a Wellcome funded Multimorbidity PhD Programme for Health Professionals at the University of Glasgow. She co-leads the NHS Research Scotland Primary Care Network, promoting research activity in primary care and is a member of the MRC Clinical Academic Research Partnerships Panel. Professor Mair is also an International Advisor to the Norwegian Primary Care Research Network and the Australian Translating Research Outcomes into the Primary Health Interface (TROPHI) Scientific Advisory Group as well as acting as a Visiting Professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Dr Ben Warner is a Respiratory Medicine Specialty Registrar with clinical and academic experience of global public health, having completed the LSHTM’s East African Diploma in Tropical Medicine and then worked for 18 months in rural South Africa. He is currently undertaking a PhD in multimorbidity in Malawi as part of the Wellcome-funded Multimorbidity PhD Programme for Health Professionals with the University of Glasgow.

Recording date: 20 February 2024


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