Oct. 2, 2023

Peripheral Neuropathy (2 Oct 2023)

Peripheral Neuropathy (2 Oct 2023)

Dr Marilena Giannoudi discusses the approach to patients with peripheral neuropathy with Dr Louise Davidson.

In this episode Dr Marilena Giannoudi discusses the approach to patients with peripheral neuropathy with Dr Louise Davidson.

Dr Davidson first covers the basic anatomy and function of the peripheral nervous system and describes lower motor neurone signs. They discuss different peripheral neuropathy presentations and types. Dr Davidson emphasises the importance of a thorough history before moving on to examination, testing/investigations, and management.

Dr Louise Davidson is a Consultant Neurologist based in Edinburgh. Dr Davidson works full time for the National Health Service with interests in epilepsy, general neurology and botulinum toxin for dystonia. Dr Davidson was awarded an MD degree following her research into the diagnostics of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. During her general neurology practice, Dr Davidson has managed a number of different cases of peripheral neuropathy and has previously discussed the topic at college meetings and at general medical grand round meetings. Dr Davidson is also actively involved in medical education and is the current local programme lead for neurology training.

Dr Marilena Giannoudi is a cardiology registrar based in Leeds. She is a member of the Trainees and Members’ Committee, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and is currently undertaking a PhD.

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Recording date: 26 June 2023

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