Seizures (15 May 2023)

Dr Marilena Giannoudi discusses the role of the 'first fit' clinic and seizure diagnosis and management with Dr Richard Davenport.
In this episode, Dr Marilena Giannoudi discusses the role of the 'first fit' clinic and seizure diagnosis and management with Dr Richard Davenport.
Dr Richard Davenport has been a Consultant Neurologist since 1999. While very much a general neurologist, he undertakes NHS first seizure, movement disorder and MND clinics, and has particular interests in education and training. Dr Davenport became President of the Association of British Neurologists (ABN) in May 2023. Outside of neurology, Dr Davenport enjoys cycling. Dr Marilena Giannoudi is the T&MC Podcast Lead and Vice-Chair for Careers and Communications.
Recording date: 24 January 2023
Explore related content: Neurology content on RCPE's Education Portal
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