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March 6, 2023

The Abnormal Skin Lesion (06 Mar 2023)

The Abnormal Skin Lesion (06 Mar 2023)

Dr Jonny Bardgett and Dr Jonny Guckian discuss abnormal skin lesions and how medics should approach them during the acute medical take.

This week Dr Jonny Bardgett and Dr Jonny Guckian discuss abnormal skin lesions and how medics should approach them during the acute medical take.

Dr Jonny Guckian is a dermatology registrar in Leeds. He is Co-Chair of the RCPE Trainees and Members' Committee, Director for Social Media and Communications for ASME and Podcast Associate Editor for the British Journal of Dermatology.


dermnetnz.org/topics/seborrhoeic-keratosis - Seb K

dermnetnz.org/topics/cutaneous-squamous-cell-carcinoma - SCC

dermnetnz.org/topics/basal-cell-carcinoma - BCC

dermnetnz.org/topics/melanoma - Melanoma

dermnetnz.org/topics/abcdes-of-melanoma - ABCD

www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/information-gps/gp-resources/skin-cancer/skin-cancer-diagnosis - Glasgow 7 point checklist

www.aad.org/media/stats-indoor-tanning - sunbed stats

www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk and www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk/mindthegap - clinical signs on black and brown skin

Recording date: 21 July 2022

Explore related content: Dermatology content on RCPE's Education Portal

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