The Power of Civility (26 Jun 2023)

Dr Kat Ralston discusses the concept of civility with Dr Catherine Stretton.
This week Dr Kat Ralston discusses the concept of civility with Dr Catherine Stretton. They reflect on their own personal experiences and explore the evidence on the impact incivility has on our ability to do our jobs effectively. They discuss recognising the factors that can lead to incivility, explore strategies to challenge incivility with compassion and consider how we can influence our workplace culture to improve patient safety.
Kat is a Specialist Trainee in Geriatric and General Medicine and a Medical Education Fellow, currently working in Edinburgh.
Cath is a Consultant Anaesthetist in St. John's Hospital, Livingston. Alongside her clinical work, she is very interested in staff experience and how this translates into to the quality of healthcare that our teams deliver to our patients. She is also interested in utilising Quality Improvement science to achieve excellence in these two areas, so both patients and staff get the best possible experience from our healthcare system.
Civility saves lives website -
The Price of Incivility by Christine Porath and Christine Pearson (2013) in Harvard Business Review -
The Impact of Rudeness on Medical Team Performance: A Randomized Trial – Riskin, Erez et al. (2015) -
Exposure to incivility hinders clinical performance in a simulated operative crisis – Katz et al. (2019) -
Paul Stretton’s Twitter - (@psquantumsafety)
The ‘just culture’: why it is not just, and how it could be – Stretton (2020) -
Recording Date: 18 January 2023
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