Oct. 14, 2022

Applying for an Academic Job (14 Oct 2022)

Applying for an Academic Job (14 Oct 2022)

Dr Giannoudi interviews Dr Jessica Pearce and Dr Rebecca Sagar about their academic careers to date, including 'top tips' on how to apply for academic jobs.

Dr Marilena Giannoudi interviews Dr Jessica Pearce and Dr Rebecca Sagar about their academic careers to date, including 'top tips' on how to apply for academic jobs.

All three speakers provide their insights and experiences of applying for and undertaking academic jobs, including the Academic Foundation Programme (AFP, now called the Specialised Foundation Programme, SFP), Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) and PhDs, including Flexible Portfolio Training (FPT), and beyond.

Dr Jessica Pearce is an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Medical Oncology based in Leeds with an interest in frailty and geriatric oncology. Dr Rebecca Sagar is a BHF Clinical PhD Fellow at the University of Leeds and specialist registrar in endocrinology and diabetes in Leeds. Dr Marilena Giannoudi is Podcast Lead for RCPE's Trainees & Members' Committee (T&MC).


Clinical academic jobs - Medical Schools Council

Clinical Academic Training Hub (CATCH)

Specialised Foundation Programme (SFP)

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships in Medicine 2022

Flexible portfolio training - RCP London

Flexible Portfolio Training - HEE

Scottish Clinical Research Excellence Development Scheme (SCREDS)

Disclaimer: Please always refer to official recruitment websites for the latest guidance as application dates and processes may differ to those described in this episode.

Recording date: 8 September 2022

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