Infectious Diseases Episodes

Feb. 14, 2025

Ep.9 - Insomnia, Iron and the Itch

In this episode, Daisy and Olivia discuss some Is in the history of medicine: insomnia, itch, and iron.
Nov. 25, 2022

Ep.12 - Past & Present - Respiratory

Delves into the history of respiratory medicine and modern-day respiratory medicine practice.
Nov. 11, 2022

Ep.11 - Past & Present - Infectious Diseases

Delves into the history of infectious diseases and modern-day infectious disease practice.
Oct. 29, 2021

Ep.69 - Derek Sloan - Spitting Blood - Current Approaches To Tuberculosis Treatment

Dr Derek Sloan, who has worked in both high and low-income countries, considers why tuberculosis (TB) still remains a threat and what can be done to combat this disease.
Sept. 17, 2021

Ep.66 - Mona O'Brien - Essential but Suspect Medical Practitioners in Nuremberg, 1495–1560

Essential but Suspect Medical Practitioners in Nuremberg, 1495–1560, by Dr Mona O'Brien.
Sept. 3, 2021

Ep.65 - Anna Dhody - The Mütter Research Institute

Anna Dhody talks about the ways scientists are looking to the past to improve our future.
May 14, 2021

Ep.57 - Mona O’Brien - Controlling An Angry Dog - Understanding And Managing The French Disease

Mona O’Brien explores how Europeans came to understand syphilis and some of the measures that they enacted in an attempt to control it during the period from the first pandemic outbreak (c.1495) until the 17th century.
Nov. 27, 2020

Ep.45 - Noelle Gallagher - Syphilitic Noses In Eighteenth Century British Literature And Art

Dr Noelle Gallagher explores the weird and wonderful cultural life of deformed noses in eighteenth-century British literature and art.
Nov. 13, 2020

Ep.44 - Jane Stevens - Books and Beaks: Doctors’ Fight Against the Plague in Early Modern Europe

Considers continuity and change in the attitudes and advice given by doctors between 1500 and 1700 regarding the plague.
Oct. 30, 2020

Ep.43 - Tracey Jolliffe - Syphilis In The 21st Century

Tracey Jolliffe discusses the science of syphilis in the 21st century.
Aug. 21, 2020

Ep.38 - John Henderson - Coping With Plague - Public Health And Epidemics

Professor John Henderson argues that it is time to re-examine and reassess early modern Italian policies dealing with plague.
July 10, 2020

Ep.35 - Anna Dhody - Looking To The Past To Improve Our Future

Anna Dhody talks about the ways scientists are looking to the past to improve our future.
June 10, 2020

Ep.28 - Samuel Cohn - ‘The great influenza’ of 1918-20: A plague of compassion

Explores popular reactions to the ‘great influenza’ of 1918-20, primarily in relation to other epidemics of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
June 10, 2020

Ep.17 - Catherine Jones - Benjamin Rush, the Yellow Fever, and the Rise of Physician Autobiography

Dr Catherine Jones examines the links between Benjamin Rush’s autobiography ‘Travels through Life’ and his protracted feud with William Cobbett.
June 10, 2020

Ep.18 - Anne Hardy - Epidemiology and the Science of Detection, 1890-1960

Prof Anne Hardy discusses how forensic and investigative techniques were used to study epidemics in the 19th and 20th centuries.